Saturday, November 8, 2008


A visit from auntie Eve

A visit from auntie Janet

Five months brought lots of events. We had a baby blessing and godparent ceremony on the summer solstice. It was such a beautiful day of celebration. We had many out of town visitors who came to meet the new babe. Caleb completed kindergarten and turned six years old. He also learned how to ride a bike! Max learned to hold his head high, sit on his own, use his voice, eat solid foods and crawl!

It was a mild summer in Arcata, a little cooler than usual, but we found time to bust out the kiddie pool and have some summer fun. We took a little trip to the Big redwoods. Angie and Jared and Matt collaborated on a shared garden in our yard that produced a lot of good stuff. Then they bought a house and moved, which was sad, but fortunately my mom moved in so now grandma is right next door. Let's see what else? I turned 30, my mom turned, well it's not polite to say. We found out that we were having another baby, a boy. Time goes fast but it also goes slow, especially when you do the same things every day: Wake up feed Max, play 'till nap time, then second breakfast, then some book reading, a walk or tummy time, lunch, nap, crawl around the bed time, tummy time, walker in the kitchen time, fuss while mommy fixes dinner, dinner time, tummy time, book time , bedtime etc. I spend just about all my time at home with Max and the fam. Even though Matt works two jobs, he has a lot of free time during the day so we are together a lot, so wonderful!!!

Grandpa Tony, Grandma Becky,and Uncle Wes come to visit!

Staying Cool.
Godparent Ceremony

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