Friday, December 26, 2008

merry christmas


Max gets a book and rolls around on the sleeping bag.

Well, another christmas come and gone. Time just seems to fly by sometimes. We didn't take very many pictures, no cutesie ones of "baby's first christmas" but here are some Matt managed to snap amoungst the madness. Caleb and Max both got up promptly at seven to check out what santa left. Well, Max just played with boxes. He got a little toy train and Caleb some nerf gun set. We made breakfast and waited for grandma judy and uncle aaron to come by. Caleb was wound up and all over the place talking a mile a minute. This of course got Max all worked up. He couldn't sit still in his high chair for breakfast so we had to just forget about him eating until later. After breakfast we all opened presents and hung around. Max then went down for his nap and Matt drove Caleb up to the snow to be with his mom and Cort where more presents and fun awaited him, though we were sad to see him go. Later we had a nice little dinner and relaxed.

Today we went to the doctor to find out about the baby and the surgery. We now know it is the 7th of January at 8am. I have to be at the birth center at 6am, ugh! The doctor felt the baby and exclaimed that he was big already! Tommorow is Matt's b-day. Since we cannot have a romantic wild get away, were going to have some family time and dinner. tonight, however we are going on date night since my mom can stay and listen for Max after we put him down. He's going to bed early, he is super fussy and tired.
Later... Well today was Matt's birthday. I was very bad and didn't get him a card or present or anything. He did get a card from Caleb, who came over today to stay 'till Monday. I told Matt I would make it up to him after the kids are potty trained and sleeping through the night. Matt is such a wonderful man and friend and love and father he deserved more than a three year rain check. Oh well, he knows that I love him. We did go out for family dinner at a pizza place and had a good time. Well ta ta for now, I'll be updating the blog in a week or so with hospital info so ya'll can call me if you want. love you, Ade

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Last year and... a little further along this year.

getting into x-mas boxes.

Max and dad. Here's the jump-suit

Caleb started indoor soccer

Well, hey there! it's been awhile since my last blog. I've been trying to get a hold of everyone and give'em a chance to catch up. Anywho, it's that time of the year and we have been getting ready for x-mas. I've been doing a lot of baking when Max is taking a nap. We went up to the tree farm and cut down a big ol' tree. All of our ornaments are stained glass or wooden ones from way back, so our tree looks old fashioned, circa 1919. It's been raining and very cold. We've had three storms this week. There is always snow on the hills and frost on the roof and ground in the morning. One day it snowed a little bit for about ten minutes. really wet snow. Oh, but how I wish it would truely snow. Growing up with the snow, now I miss it!!!! Caleb is lucky because at his mom's house it snows during the winter. The cold will do though, it gets me in the holiday mood with the cozy fires and warm snuggly clothes. We are always putting Max in his little winter jumpsuit which is super cute. Only three more weeks!! Then it will be a circus around here with three boys. My expected date of surgery is January 7th. Right now, we are still living in the blissfullness of only one screaming baby and one whining six year old. It'snot all bad, they are adorable and they go to bed at eight, ha! I keep telling Andy(that is the name we've decided on) that there is just no time for his problems and he will have to just be a quiet mellow baby and sleep in the sling all day. Maybe if everyone sends a collective thought of good will, he'll be just that. o.k enough chat, bye for now.