Thursday, November 5, 2009

Trick or Treat!

This year was Caleb's second year trick or treating around the neighborhood(prior to last year he went to the shops on the plaza), and Max's very first! Last year Max was not walking yet, and Andy was in the belly. We started off the evening heading to the plaza with friends Star and Phil with their youngins Araya and Orion, and Joy and Aaron and their little Ani (she comes over during the week). There were lots of kids running around in cute costumes getting candy. As this was Max's first time, he was SUPER excited and laughing and wide eyed. Andy was excited but chill as usual. Then we headed back home where everyone had some din din. Matt made enchiladas and rice. The grownups enjoyed hot cider and brandy and long island ice teas and the kids had sparlking cider. When it came time for trick or treat Andy wanted to stay home, which was unusual. Max and all the kids went charging out. Caleb and Araya and went ahead of us 'cause the little ones were too slow. Max was a bit confused at first, but got the hang of it. He likes going up to people's houses on our walks so.... yeah he liked that part! By the end he was tired and had fallen during one of his exuberant runs between houses, and it was time to head home. the older kids went a little further. We live on a busy street, but a few blocks up on our street is a calm cul-de-sac that we went to which worked out great. Everyone stayed up late (Andy was slap happy) and had a good time. I got a little tipsy which was fun (lot's of time pregers=no drinky). Happy Thanksgiving. P.S in honor of his 10th month birthday, Andy started walking with the push mower today( not totally walking , but still, ahh too fast that they get bigger) Max went as his Super Self, in case you were wondering what his costume was. I was going for something else, then at the last minute added his name and made him Super Max! Caleb went as a knight

Saturday, October 24, 2009

...And we're back!

Well, just sitting here while the kids are napping enjoying a chilly gray fall day. Thought I would try to put out a blog page since it has been awhile. Life here is hectic and I find myself enjoying my two favorite escapes whenever the kids are asleep: reading a good book or watching d.v.d s of t.v shows. I was watching Supernatural, now it's Mad Men. My book of choice lately is anything by Alice Hoffman. So I apologize to all those I have been neglecting to contact. Now, on to what else has been goin' down. Let's start with Andy. He is just as sweet as can be, and has now learned to pucker and give kisses. He also likes to zerbert me when he is breast feeding. He just laughs and laughs and does it over and over. He is getting big but still seems small compared to his older brothers, and I always think how tiny he is. He is crawling, crawling, crawling. He has been at it for about a month and goes really fast and laughs and talks the whole time so you always know where he is. He really wants to walk and he is getting close, maybe by 10 months, but most likely a couple of weeks after that. I honestly just want him to stay a baby because he is so sweet! Andy loves loves loves to eat!!! And he loves everything, even fish. He also loves to screech and does so when the food is not at his table that instant! He also hates getting dressed, so that is a squirmy crying mess! Other than that he is a really good mellow baby. Max is getting BIG. He is still 95% for his height, but his weight % is going down because he never eats!!! He doesn't like much of anything and that has my nurturing side going crazy. The doctors say he'll be tall and lean and not to worry, but I still do, at least he has his vitamin gummies. His name fits him because he does everything to the max. He has no fear and just does everything like he is a big boy, wanting to go down the big kids tall slide, jumping off this or that, making us nervous! Since it has been raining here he has dicovered puddles. Grandma bought him some froggie rain boots and we go walking looking for puddles. Max really loves this and gets totally soaked and muddy. He still loves animals and big trucks and toy cars, he also is a big help he is always trying to help me when I clean or am at the store, sometimes he likes to make messes just to clean them up. He is such a wild boy, and yet such a sweet boy. And he loves his brothers. Next, we can't forget to mention Ahnalie. She is with us M-Th. 9-5. so she is definitely part of the family as well as the chaos. She just turned two years old! She is talking up a storm and adds new words everyday. She is also putting words together in senteces. She is so funny because she copies Max so much, even when he falls! She is in love with Matt and sometimes get's jealous of the attention he gives to the boys. The other day she said to Matt, " hold Ani, no Andy" Ani is her nickname. She used to sleep in the room with Max but since she doesn't sleep as long and sometimes not at all, her mom Joy and I thought it would be best to move her to the sun room for naps. This has worked out really well and all kids are napping on the same schedule. Those of you with kids know this is not an easy feat and I thinkI deserve a round of applause.. ha! She fits in real well, getting roudy with Max, dancing and singing to music time and enjoying playing with her favorite toy, a big monster truck. Her biting has all but subsided and timeouts are not as frequent! Caleb is still on the same schedule, here Wed after school 'till Saturday afternoon. He is now in 2nd grade!! I can't even believe time has gone so fast. It blows my mind. He is doing really well in school, not too thrilled about doing his homework, however. He is good at math and reading, and his recent progress report said that he has a caring attitude toward his fellow students. He is currently playing soccer with only one more game to go, and scoring lots of goals and having fun. He is having a little problem with back talk, and still having problems sharing with Max. Other days, though, he is really playfull and loving towards Max. He always is with Andy because Andy had not yet become mobile enough to annoy. Ahh siblings... someday Caleb will appriciate having brothers more, I am guessing when they're all grown up and can grab a drink together and bond as men. Let's see who else, me, well I am still trying to loose weight which is why you see no pictures of me. Yes I am vain. I am sleepless, but my mom comes over in the morning to watch the kids for a couple of hours before our morning walk so I can sleep. It makes huge difference I am no longer evil possed mommy, but nice loving mommy. Always learning, hopefully growing. Having kids will humble you! Matt is making a fire right now, getting ready to read his paper. We all love nap time. Through it all, Matt and I are still in love. Don't get me wrong, there are really hard days but we are getting through, always looking to the future when maybe we can breathe a little easier, and sleep next to each other all night! Bye for now, love you all!

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Max &Andy Who's who?
Well, I just realized that the way the blog looks to me is not the way it looks to others, so all my captions and stuff don't always add up bummer, sorry it looks so awful.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Just a Brief Word...

Smile Time!!!

In his Cute Hat

Matt and Andy

Wrestle Time


Hi, just wanted to put up some pictures of Andy. I always write about how he is smiles so much, but I can never get any pictures. I finally took some, so here they are. He began to smile at three weeks old! Now he has started laughing. It's really cute. Things are about the same 'round here still. Anahlie will be coming mon-thurs. now. With all the kids, it's like a regular day care here now, ha! On a sad note, I recently found out that my Grandma Arnold passed away. She was half a year away from 101 yrs. old. She was a wonderful person and grandma. She always had so much love and so many stories to share. Her kind nature and personality really helped to shape the goodness in me. I learned a lot from her and always loved spending time at her house, especially for long stretches in the summer when I was young. I get sad thinking I'll never see her again, and my biggest regret is that I was neglectful with communications these past few years. Well, that is all for now, please enjoy these pictures of smiling Andy! love ade