Monday, March 16, 2009

Hamster Wheel

Strike A Pose!

Hi Mom

Sharing Time. ha ha!


Max and his little pink stroller.

Caleb doing what he loves best.


Gettin' along with new friends

sweet baby girl Anahlie

Lately I've been feeling like a hamster on my wheel. I go go go, but nothing ever gets done. just when the dishes are finally clean , there is a whole pile again, the same thing with the laundry, or any other cleaning that needs to be done. so when clutter piles up and all the those little things that need to get done, just don't, I get a little frazzled. I always tell Matt that I really don't know how women did all the raisin' of six kids, washing clothes by hand, big dinners, making clothes, etc. back in the day. Once the kids get a little bigger I will definitley have more time to get things done and I'll be glad. Right now so much time is invested in the babies needs. This work on this blog entry for example has been interrupted several times. Just when I get started someone cries or wakes up. at the end of the day I don't feel like doing much except for vegging out in front of the t.v and the fire, so my pile of things to do gets bigger. Recently we have had a daytime visitor, we are babysitting a sweet little girl named Anahlie. She is the daughter of our friends Joy and Aaron. She comes twice a week from 9-4:30. She may be coming four times a week at a later point in time. It is a little extra work, of course, but she is so sweet and easy going and no trouble at all. At first Max and Anahlie had to get used to each other, but now things are going much better. He is not always trying to swat her, now he tries to give kisses. I am really glad he is learning appropriate social skills. I think they both really enjoy the company. Because of all the kids we now have a big schedule we follow. We have all snack, nap times, bath times, bed times,etc. down on a big piece of paper on the wall. Let's see what else is going on?.... We are still sleep deprived, big time!!! Andy is still sweet and growing, we are still in love, and we are still truckin'. Matt recently had a conference with Caleb's teacher, and Caleb is doing great in school! You should hear him read, he is really advanced. He is still coming over for half of the week and settling into his big brother role. Max is absolutely in love with him, and he and Caleb play a lot when he is here. Sometimes though, I know he longs to be at his mom's where he doesn't have to share affection or space with two babies. Especially when times are tough and both babies are really needy or screamy. Well, Andy just woke up, so I better wrap it up. Please accept my apologies for not still not sending out thank you cards and pictures, I am still working on them. Right now Andy is just cooing and smiling away at me, I really have never seen a more smiley baby, it's so cute! O.k I'm done bragging. love you all!!!! love, Ade

1 comment:

Jessica Furland said...

I feel you sister! glad you are all well, even if you are exhausted! Andy is just so cute, such a mini me of you. I miss you!!