Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Can't Get Enough of Andy!

Here he is!!!

Curious looks

Max mad at daddy when told no

The sweet side.

'Round these parts we say that Andy is as sweet as Max is wild, and boy ain't that the truth. Well folks, we're living the vida loca here on 11th street with these kids! Trying to stay sane and be good parents, while staying true to ourselves and our love. Right now I'm feeling dazed from the constant lack of sleep. Andy wakes every one and a half to two hours for feeding, I've gotten used to this routine and don't dread the night time like I used to - only because I can sleep in the morning with him. Sometimes, however, he doesn't sleep very well in the mornings and I become a grouchy zombie.
We have big news! Max is now sleeping in Caleb's room, in his CRIB! yea! This is a good step towards his sleep independence. it was a perfect time to try this because Max is getting older and more aware and really seems to understand that this is his bed. Before this, we had to lay down with him in the bed, holding him until he fell asleep. This was fine when he was younger, but I felt it was time that he start to learn that he can put himself to sleep. We stand over the crib and say ' Maxwell go night-night' then we stay with him until he's out. Some nights go smoother than others. Matt is sleeping in the room with the boys, because Max still needs a little comforting in the early hours. Our next step is to eliminate the night time bottle altogther. Max has been cranky and clingy more so than usual, probably because of the new arrangement. It's been hard with Max lately, everything seems soo difficult. He only likes to eat 4 or 5 things (bagels, bananas, yogurt, avocado, and peanut butter) everything else he utterly refuses to try even buttery mashed potatoes. When you give him something new he makes gagging noises and gives you the stink eye. He screams a lot - we're hoping this moves into him talking. He loves to throw tantrums when you tell him NO. Don't even get me started on diaper changes! I'm ready for him to be a little older, i.e talking & potty trained and less interested in eating things off the floor or pulling things off the shelves. This in-between stage is very hard! He is also still having a hard time with his aggressive behavior (hitting, anger). We are doing a total overhaul of our parenting. What could we do better, how we can positively correct this. Any advice? On the flipside though, Max is still the precious, cute, wonderful being he has always been. Everyone think good thoughts for him!!! Now, let's talk about Andy. He is just so mellow and sweet, I just want to eat him up. He smiles and coos all the time. He loves to just look at you and talk to you. When I sing to him, he sings along(in a baby sort of way). He spends all day nursing, hanging out in mommy's arms, chatting and smiling. This saturday he will be two months old! It's gone by fast. When Andy was in my tum tum I always told him that he better be good when he comes out and not give me any trouble because I would be too busy, well he must have heard me because he's no trouble at all!

1 comment:

Jessica Furland said...

oh I am so glad everything is going well! I was starting to worry since we haven't talked in awhile. I kept telling myself, you know how it is - it's hard to find time to talk with 1 baby - imagine 2! But my worry wart self kept thinking maybe something was wrong. Glad that isn't the case. Andy is so sweet and sooo cute! He looks like your little clone, even more than MAx...and MAx is such a big boy! So adorable, that is awesome about the crib! love you!