Sunday, January 11, 2009

Here He Is!!!!!

Looks like Max?

Big Bro comes to see me.


Nurse Jessica
getting me ready for c-section. 6am

Well, Andy is finally here! He was born at 8:51 am on January 7th. We arrived at the hospital at 6am. No one else was there, so we got all the attention from nurses Bonnie and Jessica (my favorite nurses). They began by hooking me up to a baby monitor. It must have been that action that set my body off, because I began to have contractions right away. They were coming every 3 minutes like clockwork and continued to get more uncomfortable(although not painful) up until surgery. Isn't that hilarious! I was really happy because I wanted a little indication for Andy to know it was time to come out. Plus it felt more real to me now at this point. So.... after a couple hours they wheeled me into the recovery room to wait for surgery. When I got into surgery, they started the epidural which really hurt. I started getting dizzy and nauseous so they laid me down and gave me oxygen. Then they gave me more epidural because I had to stop and get oxygen and the first dose of the epidural wasn't making me numb. Yadda, yadda, yadda.....the surgery went fine.

Matt watched them pull Andy out. When he came out he cried a funky cry because of all the stuff in his lungs. The first thing everyone said was, "He's hairy!" After they were done suctioning him, they brought him over and I got to see him. And he had a big ole thick head of hair. His hair is exactly like Matts-the color, the widow's peak and everything. It's so cute. I did fine in recovery so I was able to go to the room soon afterwards. Daddy and Angie were waiting for Andy when he got back to the nursery for his bath. Max and Grandma came later in the evening. Grandma watched Max duriing the day while Daddy was at the hospital. Grandma stayed at the hospital at night and Angie helped out in the mornings. Andy spent the entire time in the hospital laying on Mommy. My milk didn't come in right away so we gave him some formula to supplenent in the hospital. He weighed 9 pounds, 3 ounces, and was twenty inches long, and although seemingly tiny to me, he was the biggest boy at the birth center.

We checked out as early as we could, and have been home since Friday. Breast feeding is going great!! With Max it didn't go so well, by the time I figured it out my milk had run dry. But now that I got the hang of it, it's easy with Andy. Breast feeding being easy has made a world of difference. Its also made a world of difference the second time around (having a baby.) All the fears and anxiety of the first one melt away and I can enjoy being a mom more. Andy sleeps most of the time. I was so worried because I had only Max to compare him to. I called the hospital and they told me some babies just sleep a lot when they are first born. Max was a born partier! Andy is very mellow, so far. I hope he stays mellow.

Right now my and Andy's home is the couch. We spend all our time there. Matt has been taking care of Max and everything else. I'll be postiing more pictures of Andy soon. You can't tell from these pictures but he has really dark skin and dark hair. He's such a little tiny precious and Mommy was in love at first sight.


Jessica Furland said...

yay! he is here! Andy is so cute and looks a lot like Max, they are different but you can totally tell they are brothers. I am so glad the breast feeding is going well. I hope you are healing up nicely and that you are getting some sleep. We love you guys and are so happy for you! We can't wait to meet Andy in person, maybe this summer we can make it up there. Lots of love, Jess, Brandon and Kellen

Jessica Furland said...

lumpia is like a Philippino eggroll...they are delicious! you are so funny! so how are things going with andy? I'll try calling you again this you!