Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hello From the Land of Babies!!


Daddy love

Piano time!

The two states of being Andy

Hi all, it's been a couple of weeks since our last blog. We have been busy and tired and our computer has been broken. It's all fixed now so I'm ready for communication. So updates: nursing is still going well, although at night it is difficult because it's hard to see what I am doing and try not to make noise because Max is in the room too. A lot of times I just get up and go to the couch for feeding time. Andy goes back to bed easily, but he does wake up every two hours at nightglike clock work . The past couple of nights though he has been up for a couple hours at a time just hanging out. He is not crying, but he is still up which makes me a very tired mommy during the day. Some day it will get better, so I am holding on to that thought for sanity. Andy is now three weeks old. Next sunday he will be a month old. It really seems to have gone by fast. Days do go by fast around here, though. By the time naps and meals and stuff are done it's already 3 o'clock or so, which is walk time, then dinner etc. Before we know it, Andy will be three months and no longer an infant. I am actually looking forward to that time because it means more fun interactions. We took Andy to the doctor the other day, he has grown three inches and gained some weight, he is now 23 in. long and weighs 10 lbs, 8oz. This is great because I know he is getting the food he needs. He checked out healthy and thriving. He does have bad gas, I think it is from swallowing air during eating. He really cries out and I feel bad for him. Max is interested in Andy, especially when he cries. He plays a little, then comes over to see Andy, then goes back to playing. He tries to smack Andy, but we redirect him to "give baby kisses" then he leans in for a kiss. It's really cute!!!! Let's see what else?... Oh! Max is really walking now. He hardly ever goes to the floor for a crawl. He is a little unsteady and falls a lot, but he just walks and walks and walks. It is something to behold, and he is sooo cute!!!!! Max is having some eating difficulties right now. He had gotten too picky about eating only certain types of jar food . We decided to end it all because it is time he starts eating real food now. He has gone on a bit of an eating strike because of it, making meal time frusterating. Andy is a really good baby, hardly ever cries except just to be held or to eat. He sleeps a lot too, although somedays he is up a lot, and some nights he is up driving me crazy!!!! Caleb is still doing a great job at being a big brother. This fact really helps things to go smoother. He gets a little loud and demanding sometimes which can add to the chaos, and he is still having a hard time sharing with Max(he takes away Max's toys and gets mad if Max touches his), but Caleb is doing a great job of adjusting to all the time Matt and I need to spend caring for the babies. He really makes Max happy, Max is just so in love with him. The transition from just Caleb to life with babies seems really natural to him, he doesn't sulk around or "wish they were not his brothers"
I spend most of my time taking care of Andy. At first it was really hard not doing all the things Max and I used to do together. It made me sad . Max , is Daddy's shadow so he's not that upset. I am finding more time to spend when I can which makes me feel better. Well, enough chatting for now. I hope all is well with all of you.We're thinking of you.. love, Ade

1 comment:

Jessica Furland said...

what a sweet sweet family you have! Andy is just SO PRECIOUS and MAx looks adorable totting around. ANd Caleb is such a sweetie! It sounds like you guys are adjusting marvelously to your even busier life! It's sorta magical in the land of babies, huh? love you guys! xoxo