Sunday, July 17, 2011

It's been a long time....

Good lord, it's been two years almost since I did anything with this blog. I'm sure no one will even see this because no one will keep looking after two years! We're still here! I guess it's just been crazy busy or ??? Anyway what's new? Well, Caleb is now 9 yrs old!! and heading into 4th grade. He is still a soccer star and doing well in school, although he prefers to be at home watching his shows or playing some sort of sport in the backyard with dad. He has been hangin' with friends this summer which has been great fun for him. He is currently on a big trip with his mom and Cort and others to a family reunion they go to every year in Montana. Also his mom, Carolyn, is expecting a baby boy this fall so Caleb will add a new little brother to his resume! Max is 3 1/2 , still growing and still a big boy! He has grown out of wildness into a sweet , smart little guy. o.k he still has many breakdowns and tantrums during the day, but he listens better and we can actually have some real conversations with him. I guess that's what happens when they get older but it was hard for me to imagine that last year. So instead of being more patient and understanding of stages, i was frustrated and overwhelmed a lot. Max is still not potty trained but has peed in the potty many times now, and we are very excited!! Andy is 2 1/2, and our once chill sweet boy has turned into a wild, crazy, testing beast. o.k he still is super sweet and loves to snuggle and give kisses, but he definitely defines the terrible twos. Having gone through this with Max, i am trying to be aware of stages etc. Matt, is still our hard working bread winner while still being here most of the time to raise the kids with me. He got back into running awhile ago and is fit and trim and still the sexiest man alive!! He just started getting back into soccer. Little Ahni is not here days anymore, she has been in preschool since last sept. and doing great. She grows more beautiful by the day and we miss her now that we don't see her as much. We all still find time to get together though. Clifford (Cliffy) Petroske, Angie and Jarad's baby comes during the day M-Thurs. some half days now. He is just such a sweet and mellow little guy and fits right into our little fam. I don't have any pictures because our camera broke last thanksgiving and we have yet to replace it, but let me tell you he is one cute little guy with super chub chub legs. We all adore him and have loved watching him grow to now a one year old beginning to walk! He will be leaving us soon as well. He will be going to HSU children's center. It is a day care literally steps from his mommy's work. We definitely will miss him but it will give me a chance to get work and also take some time to focus on Max and Andy for awhile. But of course, like Ahni he is family and he'll still be coming over etc. Plus he may still come a day or so, we don't know what's going to happen yet. Anyway I know this is a long blog entry, but it has been a long time so... These past two years have been a huge growing experience for me. I have gone through good changes. I'm ashamed to say it but I was not the mother i wanted to be I was going toward crazy mom and I have a lot of regrets but i have been working really hard on changing me, for the love of my children. They deserve nothing less that the best. Everyone who has kids knows it is very hard and humbling being a parent and it has been very hard for me, but I am hopeful that I can do it, and be the mom i want to be. Here are some pictures, but none since Thanksgiving.....

1 comment:

Jessica Furland said...

love you ade! you are a fabulous mom.